
Online Courses

All Courses

course, total of £105 billed one time
  • All 7 courses
  • Unlimited use of the materials
  • Access to Live Classes
  • Interactive content
  • Certification of Completion
  • 24-month access

One Course

  • Unlimited use of the materials
  • Access to Live Classes
  • Interactive content
  • Certification of Completion
  • 3-month access

Live Classes

1-on-1 Classes

£4/session £40 upon check out
  • 10 sessions
  • Delivered by expert ESL teachers
  • Study any topic of your choice
  • Choose from various themes or topics in English
  • Pay monthly & cancel anytime
  • 25 minutes per session

Group Classes

£3/session £30 upon check out
  • 10 sessions
  • Delivered by expert ESL teachers
  • Choose from various themes or topics in English
  • Pay monthly & cancel anytime
  • 50 minutes per session

English Proficiency Test

LEB Secure English Language Test (SELT)

£30/ 2 skills

£60/ 4 skills